Thoughts, feelings and a little respect
I know not when the door closed shut. Did I even have a way out this time around? I think and I think. The answer seems as elusive as the scrap of paper carried by the wind in swirls. Reinvention. Is that the key? If it is, i'd like to be naked. Nude, bare and stripped from within. Defenseless, the soul will be thrashed. Or so I think. Words of wisdom hang like dark, brooding clouds. What do I do with them? Embed them into the gutter of my soul, let them hang as they are or ride them like a magic carpet? Think. Feel. Feelings, the soul knows you not well. You come and go, every time a little more beaten than the last. Could you be stronger? Can I will you to be stronger? I've been told you rise from the pit within me. Doesn't that make you much closer to me than my thoughts? Look me in the eye when you arrive next. And, I shall treat you with respect. You must fulfill your part of the bargain though. I will wait for you.
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